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The RSS feeds for Garden City Chorus are listed below...
Feb 14, 2007. Quartet Delivers to a Sophmore Dental Student during her Endo Lab.
A Nurse? YEAH!
A Nurse? YEAH!
Feb 14, 2007. This one left work early, so we "ran her down" at the MCG gym. What a lucky guy!
A local Pediatrician
A local Pediatrician
Feb 14, 2007. No Doc's like this when I was a sick kid, I'll tell ya. . .
In the Steel Plant
In the Steel Plant
Feb 14, 2007. This one was special. . .for a lot of reasons. . .
Spotted by the Augusta Chronicle
Spotted by the Augusta Chronicle
Feb 14, 2007. This quartet was "spotted" by an Augusta Chronicle photographer, and posted on their website. Good job, guys - look at the smile on her face!
"Spotted" 2
"Spotted" 2
Feb 14, 2007. With the recipient and her husband - all smiles. This was prior to the performance of "The Fantasticks" at Le Chat Noir on Valentine's Evening.
One happy lady
One happy lady
Feb 14, 2007. A Singing Valentine quartet made this lady's day extra special. (Shannon is the oldest daughter of our Director, John Phillips)
Spreading the Love on Valentines Day
Spreading the Love on Valentines Day
On Valentines Day 2008, this quartet composed of Jerry Zipperer, Al Bey, John Anderson, and Bill Riehl, were caught at the Aiken Red Lobster by a photographer from the Aiken Standard. The photo appeared in the newspaper on February 15th, 2008. It was entitled "Spreading the Love on Valentine's Day".
The Flying Valentines Quartet
The Flying Valentines Quartet
Joy doesn't know that the real reason Wootten flew her to Augusta was to recieve a surprise gift, a Singing Valentine. Shown here are (left to right) John Phillips, Clyde Jackson III, Marc Gotlieb, and Victor Tobin.
Wootten and Joy York fly to Danel Field
Wootten and Joy York fly to Danel Field
Mr. Wootten York flies his wife, Joy, to Daniel Field, Augusta, Georgia, on Feb. 13, 2011, the day before St. Valentine's Day.
The Flying Valentines Quartet Performs
The Flying Valentines Quartet Performs
Joy York is stunned by her husband's display of love and affection.
Wooten and Joy York talk to Channel 6 News
Wooten and Joy York talk to Channel 6 News
Mr. Wootten York and his wife, Joy, talk to Channel 6 News about the wonderful experience of receiving a Singing Valentine.
The Yorks and the Flying Valentines Quartet
The Yorks and the Flying Valentines Quartet
Joy and Wootten York are joyful after the passionate serenade delivered by John Phillips, Clyde Jackson III, Marc Gottlieb, and Vic Tobin, the impromptu Flying Valentines Quartet.
Southern Blend Quartet
Southern Blend Quartet
The Southern Blend Quartet sang for Virginia and Gordon Blanchard on St. Valentine's Day, Feb 14, 2011. The quartet, from left to right, is Philip Plantamura, Vernon Lunsford, John Hester, and George Brown.